When I arrived at my first pre query Christmas my doctor looked to my feet and already screeched (hehe): and the leap I was wearing a super comfortable shoe, those we use when know that the day will be over, you know? I felt bloated in early pregnancy and the jump helps stretch, then seemed an ok solution to feel better that day. She guided me to avoid jumps during pregnancy and warned me of the risks (of circulatory problems falls, especially when the belly grows even!).

Since then have avoided heels and flat shoes used 90% of time , they are really the best solution at this time when everything is already uncomfortable (not even have the jump for it heheh) … But I will not spend nine months of my life without putting a jump shoe. Use from time to time, when I know I will not walk far or stay long standing , as it was that day. We went to dinner on Saturday night and I would have to walk from my room to the car and drive to the restaurant, so I did not see any problem in using a sandal that I love and I think you did the look; D

I used to a dress type chemise, I Love (bought two of this, kkk, this black and lighter) and I think it works super for those who are in this phase, mainly scoring with a cintinho. The supplement was a bracelet that looks like many are, I love the bracelets that mark because they have an absurd brightness, are very beautiful (pictured does not seem, grrr) and adorn without you having to be putting thousand bracelets before leaving.

Tô using:

Amaro Bracelet DLX
Colcci Lipstick Bad Gal Riri (MAC)